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Excellent Cosmetic Dentistry in Mahopac

A dazzling smile can boost your self-confidence and quality of life. At Putnam Dental Arts, we provide cosmetic dental services in Mahopac for patients who want to transform their smile. Our cosmetic procedures are meant to enhance the beauty and functionality of your smile and boost oral health. Our dentists will work closely with you to craft your desired smile.

Whether you need minor dental treatments like teeth whitening or innovative laser gum contouring, our team has the experience and training to help you. Our dental practice has invested in high-end dental technology to deliver appealing results. Our dentists combine science with dental expertise to help you recreate a smile that you will love. Contact our office today to schedule your initial consultation with our team!


What Is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry includes any dental treatment that enhances the appearance and appeal of your gums, teeth, and overall smile. These dental procedures mainly focus on improving the aesthetics and beauty of your smile. At Putnam Dental Arts, our team offers a variety of cosmetic treatments to cater to the needs of different individuals and their unique smiles. Our dentists will analyze your smile and discuss your aesthetic goals so that we can recommend the right cosmetic dental procedures to help you attain a beautiful and desirable smile.

Cosmetic Dental Procedures We Offer

Our dentists offer a wide range of cosmetic options to help you choose the treatment that best meets your needs, goals, and lifestyle. Our dental team strives to preserve and protect the health of your natural teeth while enhancing their appeal. We offer the following cosmetic dental services:

Teeth Whitening to Brighten and Whiten Your Smile

teeth whitening in Mahopac, NYWith time, your teeth will yellow or darken because of darkly pigmented food or drink, such as wine, coffee, tea, or tomato sauce. Our teeth whitening services offer a faster way of achieving a fresher and brighter smile. We offer Zoom in-office and take-home solutions to help you eliminate stains and restore the natural shade of your smile. In-office teeth whitening will be performed by an experienced dentist or hygienist, and you can enjoy a whiter smile in a single visit. We will also provide take-home kits so you can keep your smile whiter at home after your in-office treatment.

Porcelain Veneers Create Your Desired Smile

If you have cosmetic issues like chips, gaps between teeth, or permanently discolored teeth, our dentists can offer porcelain or ceramic veneers to enhance the aesthetics of your smile. Our veneers blend perfectly with the rest of your smile. Our tooth-colored veneers can conceal most cosmetic issues discreetly using materials that are durable and realistic.

Tooth-Colored Fillings for Beautiful Restorations

With tooth-colored fillings, you can protect your oral health without sacrificing your smile aesthetic in the process. Our dental fillings are fabricated using tooth-colored composite resin that's matched to your natural enamel color. These fillings offer a tight seal to protect your tooth from future decay and damage for years.

Precise Gum Contouring with Diode Laser Treatment

With laser treatment, we can provide careful and effective transformations for patients that have a gummy smile. Our diode laser treatment can contour gums and reshape the aesthetics of your smile. We use a specialized diode laser for dental care to safely remove excess gum tissues that make your teeth look short or smaller. By doing so, we offer a fuller smile that also enables you to brush and floss more effectively.

Offering Personalized Cosmetic Dental Services In Mahopac

If you want to transform your discolored, dull, or damaged teeth, our dentists at Putnam Dental Arts can help. No matter the reasons for choosing cosmetic solutions, you can rely on our team to deliver quality services. We will personalize your treatment options to deliver a flattering and functional smile. Please give us a call today to find out how cosmetic dental services can transform your smile!


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